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DLII Instructional Design Services

Contact DLII for your Instructional Design assistanceEducational design theory and needs are changing rapidly, and even the most experienced instructors are finding themselves in need of support in these newest methods. DLII can assist you with some of the new theories and techniques in instructional design, accessibility, Competency Based Education, Universal Design for Learning, and Open Educational Resources.

For more information send us an email.

Learning Objectives and Assessments

We all know what we want our students to learn, but not all of us have had to put that into specific and measurable language. Well-written Learning Objectives will lead you to design a much more successful and easily navigated course, will help create assessments that accurately evaluate outcomes, and will be the basis for more student success. Based on the 6th edition Quality Matters’ Standards 2: Learning Objectives and 3: Assessment & Measurement, DLII can make suggestions for creating specific, measurable Learning Objectives that accurately express what you want your students to learn and how you can assess their success.


Instructional Materials and Using Technology

Instructional MaterialWe don’t always have to use a textbook to get the information to our students. There are many other exciting ways to share information, including collaborative work with other classes in other institutions, professional journals for reading materials, repositories of readings and activities that students can have access to, virtual reproductions for exploration, and even free-use content in video and audio form from some of the most prestigious universities in the world. The materials you use in your course are only limited by your awareness of the technology – DLII can show you ways to use these resources to make your course more engaging and can even offer advice on designing technology-enhanced content!


Learning Interaction and Support

There are many theories and opinions about student interaction, but a preponderance of evidence supports the idea that engagement and support are the largest predictors of student success. Student interaction – whether it is student-teacher, student-content, or student-student is important to student success and satisfaction. DLII has some suggestions on how you can engage your students in active learning experiences.


Accessibility in Online Course Design

Accessibility is one of the most important details that instructors and universities need to be aware of, both ethically and legally. Every qualified student should have access to every course. DLII has experience with ADA requirements and UDL (Universal Design Learning). We can explain what accessibility means and help faculty explore ways to make their online content more accessible from the beginning.


Best Practices in Online Pedagogy

Online LearnerEvery face-to-face teacher has at least one advantage over many online teachers - they have sat in a classroom and have seen another professional teach. However, even if they have taken an online course, they may not have actually seen the teacher in action. This means they are not always aware of the behind the scenes preparation that is necessary, including the amount of work it takes to keep up, or what it takes to stay organized. Online teachers have to know how to maintain connections, communicate clearly, and monitor online discussions without shutting them down or taking them over. Meet with DLII to discuss the Best Practices in Online Pedagogy - ways to modify what we do in the face-to-face classroom to work in the online environment and be just as successful!


Best Practices in Online Course Design

Designing a course for online delivery can be overwhelming. DLII has developed a "Model Course" Blackboard shell that adheres to generally accepted "Best Practices" in online design and provides our faculty with a solid course framework. Contact DLII to see how faculty can use this optional model and still exercise their academic freedom and independence to create a unique and effective learning experience for their students.
