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Budget Resources


Budget Amendment Request (transfers within the same fund number)

  • Movement of budgeted funds from one organization to another (e.g., Arts & Science Dean contributes operational dollars to Chemistry for equipment).
  • Movement of budget allocations from one budget line account to another within the same organization (e.g., general operations dollars moved to student wages).
  • Must be within the same fund (e.g., Fund #100010 to 100010)

Budget Amendment Request

Budget Transfer Form (transfers between different fund numbers)

Movement of funds between two different fund numbers, examples:

  • Move carryforward funds to general operations (Fund # 10001C to 100010)
  • Match for Grant (Fund # 100010 to 184XXX)
  • Contributing to a capital project (Fund # 100010 to 9XXXXX)

Transfer form

Amendment, Transfer, and Interdepartmental Transactions (IDT) Visual Example

Budget Amendments and Transfers are reflected in the Adjusted Budget column in Banner; these activities have an effect on your Adjusted Budget (Base budget +/- amendments or transfers). 

Interdepartmental Transfers (IDTs) are processed by Accounting Services as cost activity (not budget activity) and are therefore reflected in your Year to Date Activity. column.  Visit Accounting Services to learn more about the process and obtain the IDT form.

budget example image

Organization Request/Change Form

Organization Request Form

If you have questions, contact Belinda Bell, Director of Accounting at 543-4429.
First and Last
Provide only if modifying or deleting existing org.
Please identify what area will be funding this org and how


Management Tools - Labor Distribution Presentation

Management Tools - Labor Distribution Handout

Banner 9 Finance Information

Budget Training

Basic Banner Budgeting

Download the PowerPoint file to view the slide notes as comments.









Kristi Harms
Associate VP, Budget and Planning
308B Administration
Tel: (660) 543-4072
